Can Cardio Make You Smarter?

Exercise is great for you. Yes, I know that I’ve covered that topic a few times. There’s tons of evidence of its benefits for our bodies. What about our brains, though? Are there any mental benefits to pushing your physical limits in the gym? Can exercise, as mentioned in the title, actually make us smarter? … Continue reading Can Cardio Make You Smarter?

Can You Be Fat and Healthy?

tl;dr: "Obese people who are physically fit are half as likely to die as thin, sedentary people. Aerobic fitness may be a better measure of health than BMI." (Source, p. 205) “Can you be both fat and healthy at the same time?” It seems like a pretty simple question, doesn’t it? It seems like a … Continue reading Can You Be Fat and Healthy?

Busting the Weight-Loss Plateaus: The First 90 Days

Before we go any further, I want to establish a key point when it comes to weight loss. The journey to a healthier body weight isn’t a steady progression of results. You will plateau--stall in your weight loss--and that’s okay. You’ll see plateaus throughout your journey, and they tend to get longer as you get … Continue reading Busting the Weight-Loss Plateaus: The First 90 Days

Do Women Get Bulky from Lifting Weights?

It happened again. This morning, I got an email from a new female training client about how she didn't want to "bulk up" by lifting weights. She wants to "get toned" but not big. You may have said the same thing before, too. I've worked with women who said, "Oh, I don't want to look … Continue reading Do Women Get Bulky from Lifting Weights?

After the Love is Gone: Recovering from Fitness NRE

Starting off on your journey to a healthier you tends to feel exhilarating. Eating that first healthy dinner, finishing your first week in the gym, dancing through your 5th Zumba class--it's all sunshine and rainbows, right? Of course, Lifestyle NRE (new relationship energy) works just like any other kind: eventually, it just becomes, well, life. … Continue reading After the Love is Gone: Recovering from Fitness NRE